Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Park Slope Chip Shop

What has happened?  I loved this place and now I don't know.  To be fair, I have to go to the one on Atlantic & in Bay Ridge but as of writing this I haven't. Sooooooo, again, what the hell happened?  It used to be so great!  Then it grew, but it was still great but with British curry, then it got smaller, and no curry (big mistake - to those of you that didn't eat it) and now it's tiny - no curry and boring.  Don't bother getting it delivered, what a mess that is.  Nothing is right and the food is dead cold.  Fried food - dead cold?  Nope, not good.
Is it kid-happy?  Not really.
Cheap?  Kind of. It's just not what it used to be and that was wonderful!  Not now.

383 5th Ave.
(at 6th St)

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